Ola Exclusive Membership

Become an Ola Exclusive Member and unlock incredible savings on all Ola Aesthetics services and products! As a member, you’ll enjoy exclusive perks and discounts designed just for our most loyal clients. Experience the best of beauty while maximizing your savings and elevating your self-care routine!

Membership offer

Membership offers you VIP benefits & a monthly service to keep you relaxed throughout the year. We offer you the ability to choose what service you want each & every month!

Deposit $150 per month into your Ola Beauty Bank and use 100% of your deposits towards services or products.

Remaining balance carries forward into the next month
No minimum commitment required
Cancel at anytime

Free Gifts

Receive one free microneedling treatment or $200 credit towards services when you sign up 

Ola Exclusive Perks

10% off  ALL retail

One retail item of your choice up to $130 during your birthday month

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